April 15th, 1968
Born in Lilienfeld/Lower Austria
June 9th, 1986
Reifeprüfung/School-leaving exam
1986 - 1992
Medical Education / University of Vienna December 9th, 1992: MD
02 '93 - 11 '93
Civil service at community of Emmaus St. Pölten / Verein zur Integration von
Nichtseßhaften im Gebiet der Diözese St. Pölten
01 ‘94 - 09’95
Postgraduate general medical training at St. Pölten General Hospital
10’ 95 – 04’2001
Postgraduate medical training in psychiatry, Specialist Registrar, Senior Medical
Clinical Officer at the Clinical Department of Social Psychiatry and Evaluation
Research, Vienna University Medical School; main scientific fields: Social Psychiatry,
Forensic Psychiatry, practical experience at the Justizanstalt Wien-Mittersteig.
Senior Medical Clinical Officer at Northern Birmingham Mental Health Trust
Since 2001
Psychiatric consultant, Emmausgemeinschaft St. Poelten – charity organization for
socially disadvantaged people
Head of Community Mental Health Team Central Region of Lower Austria,
Community Mental Health Services, Caritas St. Poelten (districts of St.Poelten,
Krems, Lilienfeld; pop. 245.000)
Since 2004
Elected to Speaker of Psychiatrists in Lower Austria of theLower Austrian Doctors’
Chamber (re-elected 2007)
Habilitation for Psychiatry at Vienna Medical University
Since 2004
Partner of SAM NÖ (Sozialer Arbeitsmarkt gemeinnützige GmbH – social labour
market charity organization), owner of SOMA (NÖ Sozialmärkte – Lower Austrian
Social Markets)
Since 2005
Head of Community Mental Health Team Central Region of Lower Austria,
Community Mental Health Services, Caritas St. Poelten
Since 2006
Co-worker of the specialist exam for Psychiatry & Psychotherapeutic Medicine as
Since 2007
Partner of an EU-Project to re-built psychiatric services in Romania (Twinning-
Project) of the Agency for European Integration and Economic Development
Since 2007
Member of the board of the Austrian Schizophrenia Organization
Since 2007
Co-worker of the implementation of the new Austrian curriculum for postgraduate
medical training for Psychiatry & Psychotherapeutic Medicine in Lower Austria. Since
2008 as assistant of the Head of the curriculum.
Since 2008
Main partner of the „Lower Austrian Bündnis gegen Depression“, part of the Austrian
„Bündnis gegen Depression“ (European Alliance against Depression).
Since 2009
Delegate of Lower Austria for the EUREGHA (European Regional and Local Health
Authorities) working group “prevention of depression and suicide”.
Since 1992
Starting the Project on suicide in custody with the case-control study.
Since 1995
Beginning of the research cooperation with Dr. Patrick Frottier to find an instrument
for suicide prevention in correctional institutions (name of the project: VISCI)
Implementation of VISCI – the Viennese Instrument for Suicidality in Correctional
Institutions – in all Austrian correctional institutions except the JA-Wien Josefstadt
January 4th, 2012
Died in St. Poelten, Lower Austria |